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The Muhlenberg College media services department videotaped audio visual equipment training series

Posted on:1990-12-28Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:Margolis, Jayne BFull Text:PDF
The focus of the project was the utilization of videotape as a medium to provide training in the proper use of audio visual equipment in the Media Services Department at Muhlenberg College. This project was especially significant because the main service of the Media Services Department to the College is audio visual equipment set-up and operation. Most of the requests for audio visual equipment are handled by student employees.;The selection of the specific pieces of audio visual equipment to be featured in this videotaped training series was made as a result of tabulations of all the requests given to the Media Services Department in 1987 and 1988. The request forms were entered into a computer using the "Questions and Answers" program already being utilized in the department. As a result of the tabulations, a list of nine prospective pieces of audio visual equipment were considered for the training series. Upon further analysis, the three main pieces of equipment were featured in this videotaped training series. They are: the 16mm Projector, the Slide Projector, and the VHS Videocassette Recorder.;The Coordinator of Media Technical Services decided to employ "in studio" production techniques using a single camera procedure rather than "real-time" production. This was due to the greater degree of control that could be exerted over the following production conditions: lighting, audio, video, and content material.;In order to provide viewers with essential items of information about the three pieces of audio visual equipment featured in the series, the researcher chose the following four content areas for inclusion in every videotaped produced: equipment components, equipment set-up, equipment operation, and trouble-shooting procedures, operation manuals, books and journal articles provided the researcher with the best content information for each program in the series.;When the Coordinator of Media Technical Services (the researcher) was hired four years ago, she was given the job of training all department employees in the proper operational procedures required to service the Media Department's requests. Training workshops were scheduled in the beginning of each semester to instruct the student employees on audio visual equipment operation. The attendance at these workshops was very poor. As an alternative to these workshops this videotaped training series was formulated.;Procedures employed in the production of the series included certain video techniques (highlights, close ups, etc.) to emphasize elements of narration, natural equipment sound effects, and character generator graphics to define terms and present lists of information. In addition, video production was accomplished using single camera techniques (EFP) in order to eliminate the need for an entire production crew and to allow tighter close ups.;In an effort to evaluate the training series, a three-part evaluation was employed. The first phase was a written test consisting of three types of questions: matching, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank. The second phase consisted of a demonstration type test. This allowed the researcher to see if the evaluators could physically operate the various pieces of equipment featured in the training series. The third phase of the evaluation was an interview conducted with each participant in the evaluation. This allowed the researcher to get some suggestions for improvement for future audio visual equipment training productions. All the evaluators performed well on the evaluations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Audio visual equipment, Training, Media services department, Video, Production, College
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