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Performance evaluation of routing protocols in finding stable paths in vanet

Posted on:2016-11-12Degree:M.S.CpType:Thesis
University:California State University, Los AngelesCandidate:Ibrahim, Mohamed Elsaid AwadFull Text:PDF
With the increase in technology, many developers have advanced their knowledge in improving road safety by designing various devices such as Vehicular AD Hoc Networks (VANETs). These VANETs are important in ensuring there is a continuous vehicle-to-vehicle communication along the roads while at close range in order to prevent road accidents. Similarly, VANETS are meant to ensure vehicles are alerted of events occurring at their surrounding through information sharing between vehicles to other vehicles (V2V) and vehicles to stationary objects built along the roads (V2I). However, MAC sub-layer protocol is common when designing VANET devices; this is because VANETs are ineffectual in preventing road accidents when messages cannot get to the other party. The path breaks causes delay of inconsistency and packet delays from source to destination. There are several improvement measures that can be taken to VANET is effective and efficient in improving road safety through inter vehicle communication and vehicle to stationary VANET devices installed along the roads. Since VANET operates in a wireless environment, there are other interferences from wireless devices such as mobile phones, laptops and other operational devices installed in vehicles. This thesis evaluated the performance of multiple routing protocols on MANET to assess their ability in finding stable paths. The evaluation led to practical suggestions on how to design better routing protocols for VANET.;Keywords: MAC sub-layer, VANET, RTS, CTS, PASTA, TDMA and V2V/V2I.
Keywords/Search Tags:VANET, Routing protocols, Devices, Road
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