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Curriculum for professional communications

Posted on:2016-10-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Gonzaga UniversityCandidate:Lene'-Griffin, MichelleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017481095Subject:Educational technology
The technology world is changing every day. Things that people could not do a few years ago, they can now on a small device. Because of the changes in technology, college students are in need of a class to help with oral communication, writing, and professional writing. With that being said, there is a need to change the basic communication course into a class that incorporates technology communication. The class will help students become more familiar with to use technology in professional settings and will help students understand language. Further more, this curriculum should be included into high schools, so that the standards can better prepare the students for lifelong communications. Using Dialogic Ethics to understand dialogue between people especially between the teacher and the students. It will also help the student to help them in their personal and professional life. Symbolic Interaction Theory will help students to understand the importance of meaning through symbols and social interaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional, Help students, Communication, Technology
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