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Posted on:1988-11-12Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Claremont Graduate UniversityCandidate:STELLER-STOUT, DOROTHY LALONDEFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017457213Subject:Science Education
California is richly endowed with resources and ideal locations for habitation. Rapidly increasing population forced development and utilization of geologic principles and concepts.;This study begins with the earliest known inhabitants utilizing geology and extends to the first synthesis of California's geology by Reed (1933). This dissertation is arranged in chronological order, examining those factors that have affected our understanding of California geology, e.g., significant people, events, discoveries, resources, tools and techniques, educational and governmental institutions, construction projects and legislation.;Following the discovery of gold, the national need to develop communication and transportation systems uniting the East and West resulted in governmental surveys. The federal government consolidated its surveys into the United States Geological Survey in 1879. The California State Mining Bureau, following the Whitney Survey, was established in 1880. These institutions established systematic studies in mapping and resources.;A geological educational system to meet California needs was established by the 1890s at Stanford and Berkeley. These institutions have evolved with outstanding faculty producing well-qualified students. These and other geology departments have increased as requirements, tools and techniques in mining, petroleum, agriculture, and engineering developed.;This study traces the roots of geologic knowledge in early California and shows its development as part of a complex movement of economic, academic, social, and cultural resources. These movements were molded by needs and individual and group interests.;Catastrophic events have forced examination and comprehension of California geology as well as the worldwide understanding of basic geologic principles. The tectonically active location of California has resulted in major earthquakes. Scientific research has resulted in knowledge of the causal relationship between faulting and earthquakes, in methods of analyzing causes and data, and in legislation in preparation for future events.;Construction projects included the railroad and water conveyance, which have increased awareness in engineering geology and assisted in the increasing needs of a growing population with greater resource needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:California, Geologic, Development, Geology, Resources, Needs
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