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Modele de planification tactique de chaine d'approvisionnement soumise a des regulations environnementales

Posted on:2016-04-02Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Trochu, JulienFull Text:PDF
GTID:2476390017476217Subject:Industrial Engineering
Environmental issues being highlighted during the last decades, supply chain management is becoming increasingly complex. Large supply chains are major players of global warming and damage caused to our environment. Thus some companies are at the center of controversy and they are increasingly held accountable to the government and their consumers regarding their environmental behavior. Nowadays we use the terms sustainable supply chain when traditional economic considerations are extended to environmental and social dimensions, thus representing a balance allowing industrial activity to persist over time without causing any damage to its environment. This is the point of this research work, analyzing especially two current environmental regulations targeting Quebec companies: the greenhouse gases emissions limitations instituted by the recent carbon market system, voted in 2012 and effective since 2013, and the collect services compensation principle.;In this work we elaborate a linear optimization model to analyze supply chain tactical decisions allowing choosing between standard versus eco designed components from different suppliers. Also the mathematical formulation is used for assessing the optimal production plan choosing among two distinct technologies to assemble the final product at the manufacturing plants: the standard one versus the green one. In this work we follow three main stages: first a preliminary resolution allows determining the optimal plan regarding supply chain's procurement and production decisions in case the company studied is not yet subject to environmental laws. Eventually the company will be subject to one and then both regulations simultaneously. If at first we focus on real data currently effective in the province of Quebec, the last step of our study admits the hypothesis that these recent regulations will be strengthened in the coming years. Thus we analyze the possible consequences on the optimal tactical procurement and production plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chain, Plan, Regulations, Environmental
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