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Abuse in the family of origin: A comparative study of domestically violent and maritally discordant men

Posted on:1995-06-26Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Hopp, Erik LeeFull Text:PDF
Two questionnaires were administered to a domestically violent and maritally discordant group of men. These instruments gathered information relating to childhood exposure to abuse (LEQ) and current abuse (CTS). These were designed to test the hypothesis that the childhood exposure to violence (its severity) would be related to and predictive of adult violence.;The selectivity (incidence) were no doubt affected because both groups had marital problems and both had suffered in almost all cases some violence in childhood.;Measurements of the two groups tested in this study against a group randomly chosen or a group known not to have either violence or marital discord would tend to reveal the effects of childhood abuse in a clearer manner.;Results showed generally positive correlations, especially as to the severity of violence, though differences existed as to the types and sources of abuse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Abuse, Violence
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