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Identity, movement, and linguistic jouissance: A survey of short stories in Yoko Tawada's 'Where Europe Begins

Posted on:2015-09-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Pope, CathyFull Text:PDF
This study analyzes the short stories found in Yoko Tawada's Where Europe Begins. Tawada's intriguing short stories judiciously mirror her own experience of language, loneliness, and feelings of alienation when crossing cultural boundaries. By focusing only on Tawada's stories, some of which were originally written in Japanese and some of which were originally written in German, I gather strong evidence that the original texts that have been translated to English have not been changed or altered; as a result, readers are transported into a world of alienation. This study considers themes of fluidity, movement, identity, and the body as a method to focus upon Tawada's jouissance of language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tawada's, Short stories
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