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Establishing Visual Narrative Using Symbolism of the Northern Renaissance and the Expressionist Movemen

Posted on:2019-06-15Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Mississippi CollegeCandidate:Townsend, Dave DerrellFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390017987635Subject:Fine Arts
This research is about using symbolism to explore a visual narrative. I studied the historical use of narrative through art history to understand how to create a strong storyline. I explored elements such as symbols, themes, and ideas through Durer's travels, Hans Holbein's Dance of Death woodcut series, the German Cinema, and the Wordless Novel to create the foundation of a story. I researched Durer's travels to learn the importance of subject matter, the Dance of Death series taught me how to use symbols to tell a story and the German Cinema and the Wordless Novel informed me on how to incorporate all the principles and elements of art within the narrative. The philosophy of Nietzsche, Die Blaue Reiter Almanac, and the New Objectivity introduced new methods of artistic thinking to my studio approaches within my drawings and prints. These ideas and methods inspired my studio practices in printmaking and contributed newfound knowledge in story-telling. The use of subject matter, light on form, and color are powerful elements that can be implemented within a narrative. Light on form creates strong contrast of lights and dark, while color can express the inner emotions, and subject matter can illustrate an artist's symbol. These elements and processes resulted in over 150 drawings, 9 paintings, 22 monotypes, and an installation that was created to show my ideas, iconography, and narrative story.
Keywords/Search Tags:Narrative
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