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Architecture through dance; the movement experience

Posted on:2016-06-17Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Levash, Marissa LevashFull Text:PDF
What concepts about movement & the body can architects learn from the discipline of dance? By analyzing architecture through the lens of dance, much is to be learned from the way bodies move through and interact with space. I believe dancers are more in-tune with their bodies and context. Through a series of dance and movement related exercises, I will demonstrate how analyzing choreography in architecture can lead to a better understanding of human-spatial relationships. These findings will influence design in order to heighten architectural experiences. This thesis serves as a model for cross-disciplinary work in the dance and architecture fields; it uses architecture as a tool to improve the well-being of the body.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Movement
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