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Imaginaires collectifs : le recit du mythe du Grand Derangement dans l'imaginaire acadien

Posted on:2015-03-09Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Ottawa (Canada)Candidate:Mclaughlin, GilbertFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390017491473Subject:Political science
The expulsion of the Acadians from their land in 1755 is an event which defined this community. The "Grand Derangement", or Great Upheaval, long ago made the passage from historical event to collective memory and from collective memory to myth. Officially raised to the level of a founding myth during the first Acadian National Convention of 1881, the Great Upheaval has been subject to several political reinterpretations. Using Gerard Bouchard's theory of collective myths and imaginaries, this thesis aims to understand the historical reinterpretations of the Great Upheaval myth within the Acadian elite national discourse between 1763 and 2005. To appreciate the power of the myth is to appreciate the power of a people's imagination and its potential for resolving conflict. The objective of this thesis is to understand the many reinterpretations of the Great Upheaval through the Acadian elite political discourses, and also to demonstrate the role of the myth in constructing the Acadian identity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Myth, Acadian, Great upheaval
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