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Sibling relationship quality, personality, and happiness

Posted on:2015-04-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Northern Arizona UniversityCandidate:Boyd, Rielly CFull Text:PDF
Sibling relationships play an important role in the lives and well-being of millions of Americans. The role of sibling relationship quality on happiness has not been adequately investigated. The aim of this current study was to investigate the role of sibling relationship quality on happiness among college students (n=538) while taking personality into account. Results revealed that sibling relationship quality was associated with happiness in both same-sex and cross-sex dyads. However, sibling relationship quality accounted for additional variance in happiness above and beyond personality only for cross-sex sibling dyads. Analyses also revealed an interaction effect such that gender moderated the sibling relationship quality-happiness association among cross-sex dyads. Specifically, women had higher levels of happiness when compared to men at low levels of relationship quality. Findings were highlighted in the context of a larger scholarly body of work, and limitations were addressed. Finally, suggestions for future research were made.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sibling relationship, Happiness, Personality
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