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The role of music in Taiwan Christian churches

Posted on:1991-11-21Degree:M.A.MissType:Thesis
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World MissionCandidate:Yeh, Wen ChangFull Text:PDF
The role of music in church development in Taiwan deserves a proper study.; Music application by God and several biblical figures is very informative. Some insights of music's function in Christian communication is given to enable individuals to become better communicators.; From the perspective of cross-cultural communication, music's role in Taiwan Presbyterian Mission and church development is studied and analyzed. The musical achievement in Presbyterian churches has laid a solid foundation for using music as a communication vehicle in its future development.; The success of future Taiwan church development lies in the courageous use of an indigenous church style and the brave innovative incorporation of indigenous Christian music in Christian services.
Keywords/Search Tags:Church, Taiwan, Christian
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