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Japanese colonial education policy in Korea

Posted on:1993-02-04Degree:Ed.DType:Thesis
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Hong, Moon-JongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390014996494Subject:Educational administration
Colonialism is a much discussed concept in Korea, but few studies look at the concept from multiple perspectives, looking at colonialism from multiple perspectives. This study uses a range of theories and historical sources on colonialism to describe Japanese colonial policy in Korea. The thesis is based on my integrated hypothesis, described in the Introduction, which explains colonial policy from several approaches.;In chapter I, I present a comparison of the different colonial policies in order to explain how Japanese colonial policy in Korea is different from and similar to colonial policy in other situations. I also introduce a system which presents two sets of interlocking issues: exploitation vs. modernization and alienation vs. participation. These will be discussed throughout the thesis, and are also presented in Diagram.;In chapter II, I introduce several theories: Marxist, Nationalist, Modernization, Dependency and Institutionalist, because many authors have taken specific positions on the colonial policies based on their own theories. I also describe the points of view of Western, Japanese and Korean scholars and show how they have interpreted colonial policy differently based on their nationality.;Chapter III presents some Japanese educational and general history as it relates to Japanese educational policy in Korea; Chapter IV reviews Korean educational and general history as it relates to Japanese colonial policy and its interpretation.;Chapter V is an actual description of Education and School Ordinances during the colonial period. And it also contains Taiwanese Education and School Ordinances in order to analyze the relationship between Korean and Taiwanese.;In the conclusion of this thesis, I conclude this thesis, analyzing the data in chapter V through the model I have developed throughout: exploitation vs. modernization and participation vs. alienation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Colonial, Policy, Korea, Chapter, Education
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