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Zufall und Literatur. Eine Untersuchung an den Beispielen: 'Homo Faber' von Max Frisch und 'Der Richter und sein Henker' von Friedrich Duerrenmatt

Posted on:1994-09-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Oosthoek, HelenaFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores the role of chance in fictional worlds, specifically in the world of literature. It examines what constitutes a chance event, how texts give form to such events, and how texts influence the reader in his understanding of the chance events they portray.;This thesis is based on a phenomenological approach to literature, as championed by Wolfgang Iser, and it uses his insights regarding 'aesthetic response'. In its analysis of two literary works, this thesis also uses Richard Egger's theory of the 'reader's dilemma' (Leserdilemma).;This thesis shows how texts can use different strategies to lead a reader into a dilemma, specifically regarding his interpretation of chance events as portrayed by the text. The thesis concludes with an in-depth analysis of two works by Max Frisch and Friedrich Durrenmatt. It illustrates how the reader's dilemma regarding his understanding of the meaning of chance in these works also makes it impossible for him to decide whether or not he can ascribe guilt to the main characters in these works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thesis, Chance, Und, Works
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