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Best practices in training and developing high-potential leaders: A systematic review

Posted on:2015-01-22Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Adler School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Navaratnam, MinoliFull Text:PDF
Few publications examine how high-potential leaders are developed and the effectiveness of these methods. Scholars and practitioners may employ different evaluation criteria, contributing to a gap between knowledge generation and application. In this study, I sought to analyze scholarly and practitioner literature to summarize perceived best practices in training and developing high-potential leaders. I conducted a systematic review of 1,706 potential references that I reduced to 40, which I narratively synthesized and then identified key themes. I found 5 core conditions outlined in the literature for the development of leaders: alignment with organizational strategy, management involvement, a supportive organizational culture, integrated talent management processes, and an aim for "best fit." Succession planning should be congruent with high-potential processes. Leadership development should comprise experiential learning, with mentoring, coaching, networking, and feedback also utilized. I recommend that organizations adhere to core conditions when developing their high potentials following the 70:20:10 principle of development. Future research should further explore the academic-practitioner divide by examining best practice organizations; empirically evaluating the effectiveness of development processes is critical. Developing a common understanding surrounding key concepts and research into underlying constructs is also of value. Keywords: high potential, leadership development, development, best practice, training and development, executive leaders, senior management, academic- practitioner gap, systematic review.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leaders, Training, Systematic, Development, Developing
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