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Hungry: Regulating emotionally driven compulsive overeating in women through conscious self-care and embodimen

Posted on:2018-12-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Rusu, Alexandra RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390020457076Subject:Counseling psychology
This thesis uses alchemical hermeneutic and heuristic methodologies to inquire into the ways compulsive overeating might come from a woman's disconnection from her inner world. By exploring the different levels of a woman's being: body, mind, emotions, spirit, and connection with others, the author finds access points into this forgotten or often neglected inner world. All research for this thesis seemed to lead back to one effective solution: embodiment---inhabiting one's body and senses by retrieving the fragmented, lost parts of the self. The way to embodiment is through kind self-care in many different forms. When a woman tends to herself in that way, her resiliency to life can increase, and compulsive eating can start to fall away because she is finding nourishment in more constructive ways.
Keywords/Search Tags:Compulsive
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