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Revisioning autism with psychosocial genomics and post-Jungian psychology

Posted on:2015-10-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Saybrook UniversityCandidate:Melchor, VictoriaFull Text:PDF
Historically, autism spectrum disorders research has sought to understand autism from a perspective limited to biological theories. However, a review of the existing literature has shown that an understanding of autism limited to current theoretical approaches based in neuroscience, genetics, and behavioral sciences has led to a narrow understanding of the disorder. This interpretive study examines, aligns and integrates current theoretical approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of autism into a cohesive theoretical framework that underscores the effects of the psychosocial environment on brain development, neuroplasticity, psychosocial genomics, and the developmental role of archetypes, advanced by post-Jungian psychologists. An integration of biological theories of autism with psychological theories focusing on complementarity could provide an alternative understanding of autism and encourage new research paradigms and development of new treatment interventions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autism, Psychosocial genomics, Biological theories, Current theoretical approaches
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