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Clovis points on flakes: A technological adaption for long distance lithic transport

Posted on:2015-02-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at DenverCandidate:Wernick, Christopher DFull Text:PDF
Clovis technology has long intrigued archaeologists. Many studies---both experimental and refitting---have reproduced Clovis replicas, and by doing so, present a current understanding for point production. Even though the production sequence for Clovis points is generalized, not all points display the stereotypical features from that production sequence. These "abnormal" points preserve a prominent detachment flake scar and are relatively rare in the archaeological record. A sample of Clovis points from the central Great Plains is analyzed to determine the frequency and significance of points that maintain this flake scar relative to typical points. The origin of the raw material for the two subsets of points is also investigated, and this reveals that more Clovis projectile points are manufactured on flakes with little additional retouch as the distance from the lithic source increases. This suggests that Clovis points on flakes represent a technological adaptation of central Great Plains Clovis peoples focused on lithic conservation by substituting flakes for bifacial preforms as a way to maximize the utility of raw material from distant sources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clovis, Points, Flakes, Lithic
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