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'I Don't Want to Hear About Your Dick': Communicatively Managing Stigma Surrounding Foreskin Restoratio

Posted on:2019-01-27Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:South Dakota State UniversityCandidate:Hartelt, JoshuaFull Text:PDF
Goffman (1963) defined stigma as an individual being unable to receive social acceptance because of a specific characteristic by being marked based on a characteristic, which can visible or invisible. This study examined how men undergoing foreskin restoration communicatively manage the stigma associated with restoring their foreskin. Through 13 interviews, I was able to thematically code using Meisenbach's (2010) stigma management communication typology which served as an excellent theoretical fit. My results suggest that men undergoing foreskin restoration deploy several sub-strategies to manage stigma, as well as utilize multiple strategies simultaneously. Furthermore, my results indicate the possibility of new stigma management strategies as well as the concept of forced disclosure, which would make an excellent addition to the previously mentioned typology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stigma, Foreskin
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