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Mouthguards During Orthodontic Treatment: Perspectives of Orthodontists and a Survey of Orthodontic Patients Playing School-Sanctioned Basketball and Footbal

Posted on:2019-12-21Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Bastian, Neal EdenFull Text:PDF
Introduction: This study's objectives were to: 1) examine the beliefs and practices of orthodontists about mouthguard use in orthodontic patients, and 2) survey orthodontic patients currently playing school-sanctioned basketball and/or football about mouthguards.;Methods: Fifteen orthodontists were interviewed about mouthguard use in their patients. Patients from 13 of the offices participated in an online survey about mouthguards. Orthodontic patients (11-18 years old) playing organized school basketball (N=53) and/or football (N=22) completed the survey.;Results: Approximately half of the orthodontists surveyed initiated a discussion about mouthguards with their patients. The boil-and-bite type mouthguard was most commonly recommended by the orthodontists. All football players reported using a mouthguard, as mandated by this sport. Basketball does not mandate mouthguard use and only 38% of basketball players reported wearing one. Mouthguard users most commonly reported having a stock type [football (59%), basketball (50%)]. Players who used mouthguards cited forgetting as the most frequent reason for not always using one. Basketball players who never wore a mouthguard reported that hardly anyone on their team wears one (77%), that it might make it hard to breathe or talk (74%), and that they never thought about wearing one (68%). A greater proportion of football (87%) than basketball (32%) players reported that their coach recommended a mouthguard (p<0.0001).;Conclusions: Orthodontists differ in how they approach mouthguard use by their patients, which likely reflects a lack of evidence-based guidelines. The beliefs, recommendations and practices of orthodontists concerning mouthguard use are discussed. Research directions to improve mouthguard use are suggested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mouthguard, Orthodontists, Orthodontic patients, Basketball, Survey, Playing
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