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Effects of Art-Making on Symptoms during Chemotherap

Posted on:2019-02-14Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Notre Dame de Namur UniversityCandidate:Shambaugh, MeaganFull Text:PDF
A lack of research exists on what activities cancer patients engage in during chemotherapy infusion to either pass the time or to cope with distressing symptoms. This research study addressed the question of whether art-making can offer a break from or a reduction of symptoms during this time. Participants included 15 adults between the ages of 18--64. Patients in the infusion room at a cancer treatment center in the Central Valley of California were given art materials and asked to make art for a one-hour period. Quantitative data was collected through pre- and post-measurement on the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale-Revised. Qualitative data was collected through a demographic questionnaire and follow-up questionnaire. This study also explored complementary therapies, the flow state of positive psychology, and coping styles. Statistical significance was found for decreased depression and anxiety after art-making, which held implications for positive art therapy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art-making, Symptoms
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