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Childhood/teen obesity in the Hispanic communit

Posted on:2016-01-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Alcazar, MariaFull Text:PDF
Obesity in the United States should be of great concern to all Americans. The rates of obesity among children and adolescents have been on the rise, demonstrating the need for action now. Obesity at a young age can lead to obesity into adulthood, thereby also increasing the risk of health issues such as the development of high blood pressure and diabetes. Many factors go into play when dealing with obesity, yet the factors that will be considered in this study are the effects of decrease activity and the impact of BMI of a child or teen. Another factor that will be consideed in this study is the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages and how this also affects a child or teens BMI.
Keywords/Search Tags:Obesity
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