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Multiphase assessment of respiratory functio

Posted on:2016-11-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Fry, Michael WFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390017480445Subject:Electrical engineering
The emergence of more sophisticated full body plethysmograph systems has occurred over recent years and called for broader testing of respiratory functions. Specific airway resistance and intrathoracic gas volume or functional residual capacity can provide more accurate measure of lung function utilizing a computerized full body plethysmograph. Clinics or specialized test facilities today could use this type of system for testing, evaluation, and long term monitoring of patients suspected of suffering from pulmonary disease of which there is no cure. A virtual machine was used for pulmonary function test and serialized collaboration of data was demonstrated to offer more access to diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. Another non-invasive method of respiratory function can be indirectly measured from electrocardiogram. In addition patient respiratory rate is routinely measured using acoustic method. This multiphase evaluation of respiratory function examined cloud services, virtual machines, spirometry, plethysmography, indirect, and acoustic assessment of pulmonary function.
Keywords/Search Tags:Respiratory, Function
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