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Elaboration d'une approche de tracabilite dans le secteur forestier Canadien

Posted on:2016-09-05Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Mtibaa, FatmaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2473390017986915Subject:Systems Science
The Canadian forest industry sustainably produced a wide variety of certified products. However, the maintenance of certification originally awarded to a product from the forest and in the various stages of processing and distribution to the end consumer is a big challenge. Since the specific characteristics of each type of wood is different in each node of the forest supply chain. This leads to loss of information and synchronization problems between the different forest partners. This in turn, leads to unreliable information and reduced control over the chain of wood processing. Traceability in the supply chain may be the solution for maintaining information on products throughout forest supply chain. It is used in many application area such as forestry, food processing, pharmaceutical, textile market, etc. In this project, we propose an operational approach, scalable and interoperable for implementing traceability information system architecture in the forestry wood supply called " FTrace ", using automatic identification technologies and data capture. The proposed architecture will help some specific partners in the value chain to track the origin of wood, control information of raw material utilization and trace transformation and production progress. We are based on design science methodology for this project. Finally, to ensure the proper functioning of the system " FTrace ", a prototype is designed and implemented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Forest
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