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Choreography and Interior Design; Using Performance Terminology to Describe Interior Experienc

Posted on:2019-03-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Lloyd, Maricel VFull Text:PDF
This qualitative thesis is based on literature in two fields to establish a connection between interior design and choreography. The discipline of interior design and the field of performing arts, specifically dance, are here correlated in order to show the benefit of utilizing performance terms to expand descriptive terminology for interior design. A glossary of terms determined for interior design use, drawn from current stage performance descriptors is established, in order to enhance the descriptive capabilities of interior designers, to both clients and other professionals. A history of each field is investigated to bring understanding about the origins and production of design in each discipline. Description of overlap between interior design and choreography determine legitimate application for use of dance or performance terms within the field of interior design, which also contributes to user experience through the vehicle of movement. Chapters include figures for comparison between interior design and performance, an example case study, aligning interior design with performance terms, and future development of interior design choreography studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interior design, Choreography, Performance
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