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Ecological Sanitation in the U.S.: Barriers and Opportunities in Water Conservation, Resource Recovery, and Green Jobs

Posted on:2015-04-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Cole, Lauren KFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390017494614Subject:Water resources management
This thesis explores how Ecological Sanitation (Ecosan) may be a valuable supplement and alternative framework for wastewater management, compared to traditional approaches that are utilized in the United States. While issues of water scarcity, population growth, and resource consumption affect the gamut of livelihoods across the globe, Ecosan may offer a sound and transitional market opportunity for sustainable development. There are very few Ecosan pilot projects in the U.S. and it is posited, that with a more holistic view of sanitation issues across time and space (such that Ecosan encompasses), the U.S. may be better equipped to become a leader in the market of sustainable development. The barriers and opportunities associated with implementing Ecosan pilot projects in the U.S. are the primary focus of this report.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecosan, Sanitation
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