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Intelligent Lighting System for Healt

Posted on:2017-03-10Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Huang, QunxiFull Text:PDF
Lighting affects not only the way people seeing things, but also the way they feel. This thesis project surveys people's health problems and needs related to environmental lighting changes, and aims to explore a product design solution to these problems. The outcomes of the project are a residential lighting system called INSIGHT, a mobile app interface and a key product as an example of a smart lighting system. INSIGHT helps users to control, interact with and program their home lighting in an easy way to meet their own daily needs as well as improve their visual health and emotional health. The user-friendly mobile app collects user activity data and learns about users' preferences and schedules, so it automatically adjusts the illumination intensity and colour temperature. The results indicate that today's Internet of Things could help users to control and program lighting to provide better visual and emotional health more intelligently.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lighting, Emotional health
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