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Control of nonlinear systems with applications to constrained robots and spacecraft attitude stabilization

Posted on:1993-11-29Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of MichiganCandidate:Krishnan, HariharanFull Text:PDF
This thesis is organized in two parts. In Part 1, control systems described by a class of nonlinear differential and algebraic equations are introduced. A procedure for local stabilization based on a local state realization is developed. An alternative approach to local stabilization is developed based on a classical linearization of the nonlinear differential-algebraic equations. A theoretical framework is established for solving a tracking problem associated with the differential-algebraic system. First, a simple procedure is developed for the design of a feedback control law which ensures, at least locally, that the tracking error in the closed loop system lies within any given bound if the reference inputs are sufficiently slowly varying. Next, by imposing additional assumptions, a procedure is developed for the design of a feedback control law which ensures that the tracking error in the closed loop system approaches zero exponentially for reference inputs which are not necessarily slowly varying. The control design methodologies are used for simultaneous force and position control in constrained robot systems. The differential-algebraic equations are shown to characterize the slow dynamics of a certain nonlinear control system in nonstandard singularly perturbed form.; In Part 2, the attitude stabilization (reorientation) of a rigid spacecraft using only two control torques is considered. First, the case of momentum wheel actuators is considered. The complete spacecraft dynamics are not controllable. However, the spacecraft dynamics are small time locally controllable in a reduced sense. The reduced spacecraft dynamics cannot be asymptotically stabilized using continuous feedback, but a discontinuous feedback control strategy is constructed. Next, the case of gas jet actuators is considered. If the uncontrolled principal axis is not an axis of symmetry, the complete spacecraft dynamics are small time locally controllable. However, the spacecraft attitude cannot be asymptotically stabilized using continuous feedback, but a discontinuous stabilizing feedback control strategy is constructed. If the uncontrolled principal axis is an axis of symmetry, the complete spacecraft dynamics cannot be stabilized. However, the spacecraft dynamics are small time locally controllable in a reduced sense. The reduced spacecraft dynamics cannot be asymptotically stabilized using continuous feedback, but again a discontinuous feedback control strategy is constructed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spacecraft, Asymptotically stabilized using continuous feedback, Nonlinear, System, Feedback control, Dynamics are small time locally, Small time locally controllable, Attitude
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