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A guide for students of landscape architecture: Toward understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act and Universal Design

Posted on:1994-11-24Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York College of Environmental Science and ForestryCandidate:Hoyt, Lorlene MarieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390014494795Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
A guide has been created to provide a clear and concise summary of the Americans With Disabilities Act as well as an interpretation of the Universal Design methodology for students of Landscape Architecture.;The guide was distributed to a class of students enrolled in the second semester of an accredited undergraduate Landscape Architecture design studio. The ADA and Universal Design were presented to the participating students via an introductory lecture, the guide, a guest speaker, group discussions and presentations, two exercises, and one site design sketch problem.;The students evaluated the effectiveness of the guide, the exercises, the design problem, the lecture and other presentations by responding to a questionnaire, focused interviews, and quiz upon completion of the site accessibility project. Revisions to the guide were made based upon the recommendations of the students and faculty who were involved in the process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guide, Students, Landscape architecture, Universal
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