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An assessment of horticultural landscaping and natural landscaping in site design

Posted on:1994-05-12Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York College of Environmental Science and ForestryCandidate:Musacchio, Laura RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390014493113Subject:Fine Arts
This study investigates the environmental implications of differing site design philosophies. The focus of the study is on two philosophies in particular, horticultural landscaping and natural landscaping, and the differences in land development that result from their respective value systems. The two approaches are applied to a ten acre site with a contemporary office building. The study proposes two planting design schemes and management plans representing horticultural landscaping and natural landscaping. Design assessment addresses four issues: (1) aesthetics, (2) energy, (3) environmental toxicology, and (4) ecology. The study found the natural landscaping design had fewer environmental costs than horticultural landscaping. This can be attributed to the reduction of lawn areas and introduction of diverse native plant communities. Horticultural landscaping offers a customary aesthetic assumed to be preferred by the general public, but natural landscaping offers a desirable alternative appearance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Natural landscaping, Site
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