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Technique de visualisation hybride pour les donnees spatio-temporelles

Posted on:2015-02-02Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Ventura, QuentinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2471390020950303Subject:Information Technology
The visualization technique described in this document demonstrates how movements of multiple people or objects within a building can be displayed on a network representation of the building, where nodes are rooms and edges are doors. The representation shows the direction of movements between rooms and the order in which rooms are visited, while avoiding occlusion or overplotting when there are repeated visits or multiple moving people or objects.;A hybrid visualization is also proposed, mixing the geospatial and topological (networkbased) representations, enabling focus-in-context and multi-focal visualizations.;An experimental comparison found that the topological representation was significantly faster than the purely geospatial representation for three out of four tasks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Representation
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