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An experimental study of blade wear in printing press cross perforators

Posted on:1991-06-10Degree:M.S.M.EType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Miller, John JFull Text:PDF
Longer cross perforator blade life has long been a goal of business forms printing press manufacturers. Factors that cause rapid cross perforator blade wear have been studied and a method to predict when rapid blade wear will occur has been devised. This method uses existing knowledge of the occurrence of rapid blade wear, or cross perf fade, combined with a calculated impact value to predict whether rapid blade damage is expected in a suspect design.; A solution to cross perf fade, which involves the spring loading of the blade in the cross perforator cylinder, is proposed. It is theorized that the lower mass of the blade, as compared to the mass of the cross perforator cylinder, will reduce the impact sustained by the cutting edge of the blade. The spring loaded blade design was built and tested with successful results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross perforator, Printing press, Blade wear
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