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Theory of controlled charge transfer devices

Posted on:1994-01-23Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at AustinCandidate:Liu, ChiuFull Text:PDF
The thesis concerns the theoretical studies about mechanisms and nonadiabatic effects in a controlled charge transfer device, which transfers a certain number of electrons from one Fermi sea to the other in each operating cycle. It has been shown that the charge transfer in the adiabatic limit is exactly an integer. However, under experimental conditions, the nonadiabatic effects are inevitable in these devices. To address the current experimental situations, nonadiabatic corrections to the controlled charge transfer and nonadiabatic heating to the dot device are carefully studied by applying the noninteracting electron model, and Anderson impurity model. Furthermore, a semiclassical rate equation is applied to study the nonequilibrium effects and charge transfer in a multiple conducting channel turnstile device. Possible ways to reduce the effects are suggested. Finally, the quantized charge transfer in a one dimensional wire is investigated in the presence of disorder.
Keywords/Search Tags:Charge transfer, Device, Nonadiabatic effects, Physics
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