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Conspicuous consumption: An inquiry into the suburban house

Posted on:1999-11-18Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:DalTech - Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Pomeroy, Scott RyanFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores the North American, middle-class, suburban house. It has forgone a specific physical site, in favour of a theoretical, generic, suburban context. This has permitted a more focused search to understand the suburban resident-residence dynamic.;An essential of the suburban domain, the commodity object has been chosen as the vehicle through which to explore the suburbs. It has been used to inquire into the suburban domestic narrative in an effort to discover an architecture more consistent with the values held by those living in the suburban community.;Might that which compels us to live in the suburbs be exploited to further augment the suburban condition?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Suburban
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