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A market analysis and feasibility study on the development of the CFB West lands

Posted on:1999-07-28Degree:M.E.DesType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Hart, Cameron LyleFull Text:PDF
Purpose. The focus of this Master Degree Project (MDP) is a Market Analysis of the Currie Barracks site in southwest Calgary. The purpose of the market analysis is to determine the salient characteristics of commercial and residential housing markets within the west sector of Calgary in the near-term time frame and to examine the potential development of the Currie Barracks Land, which will subsequently affect those markets. From this analyses, estimates of the value of the site under various land-uses will be derived.;Objective. The objective of the analysis is to identify any opportunity for developing the Currie Barracks land, as well as establishing projected absorption rates and price ranges for a variety of residential housing types to be constructed on site. A number of associated objectives for the study are as follows: (1) to provide an understanding of contemporary issues facing the Currie Barracks land; (2) to analyze past and future population growth trends and household formation rates by age cohort in the city; (3) to forecast housing demand by price range in the west sector; (4) to examine the supply of housing in the vicinity of the Currie Barracks to analyze existing competition by price range; (5) to illustrate the planning and development processes, including social and environmental issues, involved in developing the land.;Report format. Section 1--Introduction: Provides background information relating to the analysis of the subject property. Section 2--Socioeconomic Overview: The Census Metropolitan Overview will provide a summary of the relevant socio-economic factors that will affect the development of the site. Section 3--West Sector Market Analysis: The information presented in the West Sector Market Analysis will focus on demographic composition and residential development and sales in southwest Calgary over the last 5 years.
Keywords/Search Tags:Market analysis, West, Development, Currie barracks, Land, Site
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