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Food and nutrition programs in Better Beginnings, Better Futures communities

Posted on:2000-07-21Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Edward, Heather GayleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390014461564Subject:Health Sciences
The objective of this research was to assess the impact of food and nutrition programs in three Better Beginnings, Better Futures communities: Cornwall, Guelph and Etobicoke. The Better Beginnings, Better Futures initiative is a multi-disciplinary longitudinal study focusing on children and families in eight communities in Ontario. Twelve small group interviews (N = 69) were conducted with selected parents, teachers, project staff and children. Questions pertained to the development of food/nutrition programs, changes in programs since 1993, benefits and barriers, and unmet needs. Tapes of the interviews were transcribed and analyzed. Participants cited alleviation of hunger and stress, food provision, and social contact, as benefits; and, pride and lack of money as barriers. Food insecurity is a concern for low income families; these programs serve as important coping strategies. Food programs, therefore, are an essential component of projects in low income communities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Programs, Food, Beginnings, Communities, Futures
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