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An assessment of food security: An indicator analysis of national food security

Posted on:2003-10-29Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Ueno, MototsuguFull Text:PDF
This thesis is an investigation into the indicators affecting food security at the national level. Twenty indicators are selected and evaluated their relevance to the food insecurity status of a country. GDP per person, GDP growth rate, Infant mortality rate, Fertility rate, Military expenditures % of social expenditures, Food aid as % of import, Terms of trade and Cereal production per person are selected as the best set of indicators for assessing national food security through logistic regression and factor analysis. The result is different from the eight core indicators recommended by the Committee on World Food Security in FAO for monitoring food insecurity status at the national level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food security, National, Indicators
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