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Development of cost models for electronics assemblies

Posted on:2002-12-04Degree:M.S.I.EType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Mendez-Pinero, Mayra IFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011495543Subject:Business Administration
This report documents the work done to provide and effective tool to estimate the cost of electronics products. Successful electronics commercial products are those that satisfy a need and can be offered at an affordable cost. The cost implications of a product design can be used as a decision-making tool to guide its development. Therefore, there is a need for cost models for this type of product that can be used from early stages of product conception to guide its research and development efforts. A cost model has been formulated assuming a generic fabrication/assembly sequence and studying how resources are consumed and costs incurred throughout these electronic assembly and fabrication processes. A prototype application of this cost model has been coded using spreadsheets to calculate the cost per board of each cost element for both assembly processes and PCB fabrication processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronics, Cost models, Fabrication processes, Development
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