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Micromanagement and its Impact on an Organization's Succes

Posted on:2017-04-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Taylor, Briana KFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011488814Subject:Organizational Behavior
How do the characteristics of a micromanager affect an organization's competitive advantage, knowledge management systems, and thus an organization's success? In this review, research studies are compared to understand micromanagers and their impact on an organization. Overall, the data was inconclusive. After examining other research material, information showed that micromanagers can hinder workforce performance, but there is no empirical evidence proving that micromanagers hinder overall organizational success. In fact, there was little to no data or comparative studies to test the difference in organizations with and without micromanagers, or a micromanager's characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organization's, Micromanagers
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