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The FTAA negotiations and the prospects of Western Hemispheric economic integration

Posted on:2003-11-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Alliant International University, San DiegoCandidate:Steele, Eric DaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011481514Subject:Political science
The problem. The purpose of this study was to consider the negotiations pertaining to the establishment of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and their impact on the economic integration of the Western Hemisphere.;Method. A historical, analytical, and comparative methodology was employed to develop the study. Both primary and secondary sources on past economic integration schemes in the Western Hemisphere were utilized to determine their contribution to the FTAA project.;Results. The study confirmed that Western Hemispheric integration was proceeding regardless of the FTAA negotiations. In addition, it highlighted five possibilities for the integration of the Western Hemisphere, namely: (1) That nations would join the FTAA once negotiations are concluded, (2) That Western Hemispheric nations would join the FTAA through their respective economic blocs, (3) That NAFTA would be expanded to include new hemispheric member nations, (4) That integration would be sought through the framework of the WTO and not the FTAA and (5) that integration would continue unregulated.
Keywords/Search Tags:FTAA, Integration, Negotiations, Western hemispheric, Economic
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