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Les dictionnaires &electroniques dans l'optique de la traduction (French text)

Posted on:2000-07-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Ottawa (Canada)Candidate:Forget, NadineFull Text:PDF
CD-ROM dictionaries are dictionaries on a compact disk read-only medium, which basically contain the same information as their paper counterparts. During the last ten years, a significant number of CD-ROM dictionaries have appeared on the market. Given that the content of CD-ROM dictionaries is almost identical to that of paper dictionaries, in what way do they differ from their traditional counterparts? Do CD-ROM dictionaries offer any specific advantages over paper dictionaries for translators? This thesis will address these and other questions.; Before establishing the strengths and weaknesses of CD-ROM dictionaries, we had to examine their main characteristics. We first established various criteria for evaluating the characteristics of ten CD-ROM dictionaries. These criteria, in tabular form, were used to evaluate the dictionaries in terms of user-friendliness, presentation, content, search capabilities, text management options, and technical environment. However, these tables say little about users' consultation and search habits. We therefore administered a test to twelve subjects in order to gather data on the use of three CD-ROM and three paper dictionaries. We also asked six of these subjects to fill out a questionnaire in order to obtain their feedback on both types of dictionaries. Using the tables and test results, we were able to draw a comparison between CD-ROM and paper dictionaries and determine their advantages and disadvantages.; This study shows that CD-ROM dictionaries have definite advantages over their paper counterparts: flexible consultation, easy handling, speedy navigation, powerful and varied search capabilities, and useful text management options. Nevertheless, they have some considerable drawbacks, especially regarding technical aspects. In conclusion, it is safe to say that CD-ROM dictionaries have the potential to increase translators' productivity as long as translators know how to take full advantage of the dictionaries' capabilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:CD-ROM dictionaries, Paper, Text
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