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S-module design for software hot-swapping

Posted on:2001-02-17Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Feng, NingFull Text:PDF
Research on software hot-swapping technology is driven by the increasing demands for on-line software upgrading without the interruption of system service. This thesis proposes a new hot-swapping infrastructure for designing and implementing software applications.; Several software design patterns have been investigated and analyzed for the design of the atomic swappable unit, the S-Module. The Proxy Pattern has been promoted to a detailed design, which leads to a development of the hot-swapping framework.; In the network management area, the SNMP world has recognized the value of dynamic upgrading and extension in recent years. The modular structure of SNMPv3 also provides a good test-bed for our new hot-swapping framework. A real hot-swapping application based on the SNMPv3 agent has demonstrated that the goal of hot-swapping can be achieved by following the technology and methodology described in this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hot-swapping, Software
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