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Distributed shared memory based on Java virtual machines

Posted on:2001-01-12Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Chen, XiaoxinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390014458329Subject:Computer Science
Current distributed shared memory systems suffer from portability problems that hinder popularity. We present MultiJav as a distributed shared memory system of Java virtual machines. The system provides a user-friendly and flexible parallel and distributed programming model based on pure Java programming language.; The thesis describes a unique design of dynamic global object space for distributed shared memory to provide a global address space for a cluster of Java virtual machines. In MultiJav, the distributed monitor synchronization primitives are implemented to synchronize threads on different Java virtual machines. Moreover, the thesis gives some theoretical analysis on distributed synchronization. We also show the difference between the memory consistency model of Java and other memory consistency models and implement the Java memory consistency model in MultiJav so that sequential order is preserved for synchronized memory accesses from threads running currently on different Java virtual machines.
Keywords/Search Tags:Java virtual machines, Memory
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