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Remote sensing and GIS integration: Towards intelligent imagery within a spatial data infrastructure

Posted on:2002-10-04Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of New Brunswick (Canada)Candidate:Abdelrahim, Mohamed Mahmoud HosnyFull Text:PDF
In this research, an “Intelligent Imagery System Prototype” (IISP) was developed. IISP is an integration tool that facilitates the environment for active, direct, and on-the-fly usage of high resolution imagery, internally linked to hidden GIS vector layers, to query the real world phenomena and, consequently, to perform exploratory types of spatial analysis based on a clear/undisturbed image scene. The IISP was designed and implemented using the software components approach to verify the hypothesis that a fully rectified, partially rectified, or even unrectified digital image can be internally linked to a variety of different hidden vector databases/layers covering the end user area of interest, and consequently may be reliably used directly as a base for “on-the-fly” querying of real-world phenomena and for performing exploratory types of spatial analysis.; Within IISP, differentially rectified, partially rectified (namely, IKONOS GEOCARTERRA™), and unrectified imagery (namely, scanned aerial photographs and captured video frames) were investigated. The system was designed to handle four types of spatial functions, namely, pointing query, polygon/line-based image query, database query, and buffering. The system was developed using ESRI MapObjects 2.0a as the core spatial component within Visual Basic 6.0.; When used to perform the pre-defined spatial queries using different combinations of image and vector data, the IISP provided the same results as those obtained by querying pre-processed vector layers even when the image used was not orthorectified and the vector layers had different parameters. In addition, the real-time pixel location orthorectification technique developed and presented within the IKONOS GEOCARTERRA™ case provided a horizontal accuracy (RMSE) of +/− 2.75 metres. This accuracy is very close to the accuracy level obtained when purchasing the orthorectified IKONOS PRECISION products (RMSE of +/− 1.9 metre). The latter cost approximately four times as much as the IKONOS GEOCARTERRA™ products.; The developed IISP is a step closer towards the direct and active involvement of high-resolution remote sensing imagery in querying the real world and performing exploratory types of spatial analysis. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Image, Spatial, IISP, Exploratory types, Query, Developed
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