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Design of a digital call counter for white-winged doves using frequency estimation in a noisy environment (Zenaida asiatica)

Posted on:2003-08-30Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas A&M University - KingsvilleCandidate:Swaminathan, Preetham KumarFull Text:PDF
The design and development of a digital counter for monitoring the population white winged doves by studying the frequency estimation of a signal in a noisy environment is described. The purpose of the counter is to record the calls of the white winged doves over a fixed interval of time and to analyze the recorded samples to estimate the population density of the birds within the area covered by the recording. The recording is done in a noisy environment in the brush and as a result, the estimation of the frequency of the call is an important aspect of the work. We study the estimation of the frequency of the calls and use the corresponding data obtained to design a counter for counting the number of birds leading to the population density estimation of white winged doves in the area of the recording. This is the second part of a two part thesis. Part 1 of this thesis deals with the design and implementation of the digital counter.
Keywords/Search Tags:Counter, Winged doves, Digital, Frequency, Noisy environment, Estimation
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