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Individual differences: The effects of diversity in the ESL classroom

Posted on:1998-12-20Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Petruskevich, LoriFull Text:PDF
Arising from a desire to better understand the imbalances which exist in a classroom with a diverse student population, this study examines student and instructor perceptions of how students' gender, age, educational background, and culture influenced classroom participation and learning. Observations of four adult multi-cultural English as a second language (ESL) classrooms, and interviews with 48 students and the four instructors provided insights regarding the effects of these characteristics. Strategies for addressing imbalances, suggested by both instructors and learners, are also presented. Findings reveal that these interrelated factors give rise to complex patterns of interaction. Examining any one factor alone, provides an incomplete analysis of the disadvantage or advantage, as well as of the possible ramifications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Classroom
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