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Fourth grade elementary students' perception of the motivational aspects of using computers to write in the 'Student as Authors' Project

Posted on:2002-11-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Assis, Karla Ribeiro deFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to describe fourth grade elementary students' perception of the motivational aspects of using computers to write in the "Student as Authors" Project. The following questions were answered in this research: (a) how do fourth grade students perceive the importance of computers in the "Students as Authors" Project? (b) what are the motivational aspects of using a computer to write in the "Student as Authors" Project from fourth grade students' perspective? The researcher used questionnaire, and interviews as modes of data collection. This study indicates that students consider computer important in the "Student as Authors" Project. The fun of using a computer to write was considered to be the major motivational aspect of using a computer to write. However, students considered writing on paper and pencil as important as writing on the computer. Further study was recommended.
Keywords/Search Tags:Computer, Fourth grade, Students, Motivational aspects, Write, Using, Authors, Project
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