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Art and ethnicity: The expression of Ukrainian identity through art objects displayed in the home

Posted on:2003-02-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Kuranicheva, Anna SerhiivnaFull Text:PDF
The study examines 411 Ukrainian art objects documented in 24 homes of Ukrainians living in Edmonton. These items are classified and analyzed based on definition of "Ukrainian," type of art, geographical origin, function, means of acquisition, and meanings. The objects are further compared to the four subgroups of the sample: established Ukrainian-Canadians and Ukrainian immigrants on one hand, and Active and Passive Ukrainians on the other hand. The observed differences are explored in their relationship to ethnic identity as a complex mix of (a) external and internal aspects and (b) 4 factors of territory, ethnic culture, heritage symbols and personal identification. Established Ukrainian-Canadians and Active Ukrainians place strong emphasis on external aspects and heritage symbols. Ukrainian immigrants and Passive Ukrainians are better represented in affirming ethnicity through personal identification. Additionally, Active Ukrainians dominate in identification with ethnic culture, and the factor of territory appears a salient feature of immigrant ethnic identity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ukrainian, Art, Ethnic, Identity, Objects
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