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A 'Mega Thaumadzein' in international relations: The marriage of Morgenthau and the postmoderns in political practice (Hans Morganthau, David Campbell)

Posted on:1998-10-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Levesque, Barbara JeanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390014474423Subject:Political science
The field of international relations has been indundated with at least three great debates regarding the theory and practice of relations between states. The most recent debate centres upon the seemingly adverse theoretical perspectives of realism and postmodernism. As proponents of each viewpoint fail to comprehend the inherent consideration of political ethics within each theoretical perspective, they ultimately fail to recognize the possible existence of similarities in their positions. A comparative analysis of the works of Hans Morgenthau and a number of postmodernists such as David Campbell demonstrates both the existence of such similarities, and the potential implications for the practice of international politics.
Keywords/Search Tags:International, Practice, Relations
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