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Developing and implementing public policy: Petroleum product pricing in the Northwest Territories

Posted on:2001-04-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Rattray, David BruceFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390014460236Subject:Public administration
The Department of Public Works and Services of the Government of the Northwest Territories is responsible for the purchase, transportation, storage, distribution and sale of fuel products in 18 communities in the Northwest Territories.;While the supply and sale of fuel products is essentially a business function, it is carried out in a social, economic and political environment that has led to the establishment of a pricing system that bears little relation to the actual costs of providing the products. This price structure is placing a significant financial burden on the government.;To correct this problem requires a new policy approach to fuel pricing. Such a solution must recognize the potential social, environmental and economic impacts of changes to the price structure. As well it must recognize the political challenges associated with its approval and implementation.;The purpose of the thesis is to design a framework and process within which to develop and implement an appropriate public policy response to the problem of fuel product pricing.;The work was used to design a stages policy development framework and process for restructuring the government fuel pricing system. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Pricing, Policy, Public, Northwest, Government, Fuel
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